Motto, Vision, Mission and Values & History
District Motto:
“Volunteers proudly serving our community”
The members of the Sublimity Fire District will always strive to be leaders in fire and life safety services, and to be the model of a successful volunteer fire district.
Mission Statement
We will meet the needs of our community and visitors by providing highly trained, professional volunteers who are equipped to respond effectively and safely.
It is the responsibility of each member to support the mission by subscribing to the following values:
For the Community:
We recognize that the community is the reason for our presence.
We value the faith and trust of the community, and continually work to deserve that confidence through our attitudes, conduct, and accomplishments.
We will provide professional and courteous service at all times.
Lives are more valuable than property.
Safety is paramount.
Everyone is entitled to our best efforts and services we can provide.
The department encourages partnerships with all aspects of the community.
We will model our values at all times when acting on behalf of, or perceived to be acting on behalf of, the Sublimity Fire District.
For the District:
Volunteers are our most valuable assets.
We strive for excellence in everything we do.
Honesty, fairness and integrity will not be compromised.
We continually seek effectiveness, efficiency and economy.
Unity and teamwork are to our mutual advantage as individuals and as an organization.
Safety is paramount.
Members are continually encouraged to improve themselves as individuals and employees.
The free exchange of ideas is encouraged, along with the capacity to accept ideas without prejudice.
We will provide professional and courteous service at all times.
We are sensitive and responsive to changing community needs.
We will strive to maintain and improve relationships with neighboring fire districts.

History - Built by the Community
Sublimity, Oregon is a rural residential community, located approximately 15 miles east of Salem. It is situated on the western low foothills of the Oregon Cascades, on a plateau, amid gently rolling hills with the ground dropping down on all its sides into grassy vales.
The earliest inhabitants of the area came a few thousand years ago, and some ethnologists think they may have been distant descendents of primitive Asiatic tribes who entered America by way of Alaska. Indians living in Oregon during the early periods wandered far up and down the country in search of game or fish. Click here to read more ...

The 1800's
Sublimity had its beginnings as an Indian village and then a trading post. Originally named “Hobson Corner” after Hadley Hobson, a brickmaker from North Carolina who came to the area in 1848. This was after getting his directions confused and ending up in California instead of Oregon. Click here to read more...

The 1900's
Sublimity was incorporated and granted its own charter. The first city officials were: John Kintz-mayor, J.A. Ditter-treasurer, Theo Odenthal-recorder, Philip Meier-marshal, J. Hassler, H. Hunke, B. Prange, and A. Riesterer as councilmen. Salaries were fixed and ranged from $25 for marshal to $5 for treasurer. The city at this time had no income and very little business to transact. The city’s first ordinance, adopted in June of 1903, read, “It Shall be unlawful to allow sheep, goats, hogs, or horses to run loose about the streets of the corporate limits of the City of Sublimity. Click here to read more...